
Me Gusta! User-driven Content Sharing Theme Free Download FREE Download

Premium WordPress Theme

Give thanks you for choosing CosmoThemes and purchasing united of our Bounty WordPress Themes – your option is greatly apprehended! Pine Tree State Gusta! is a user-driven easygoing sharing WordPress motif suitable literally for any type of posts:

  • images,
  • videos with automated thumbnails creation,
  • classic blog,
  • combination of all content types,
  • metro style web-site

Get laid your posts

You canful enable the "Have intercourse" feature and so users can Sleep with your posts away clicking the heart ikon. "Love" bequeath postdate you happening every set off of the paginate by getting sticky when you scroll down.

Induce your posts Baking

When reaching a predestined limit of Loves your posts turn Baking. Set this trammel in backend, as advisable as simulate several Love actions for your posts.
Lay your blog mainpage to display either HOT or Rising posts (Mainpage is also available As a nonmoving page)

Navigate victimisation keyboard hot-keys

Use keyboard's J, K, L, C, V and R keys for different actions on your site: next post, previous post, love a post, comment post, reckon post or display a random post.

Front-stop meekness and post blue-pencil

You can net ball your user submit posts from advance-end and also edit them Beaver State delete.

NSFW posts

Let your registered users only see the Not Fail-safe For Work content.

Human time

Enable human-sentence to let users know when the post was added. Switch back to the native WordPress time arrange if you want.

Facebook plug in

Users can registry/login to your site using their Facebook accounts.

You can either enable the default comment system of rules or opt for the Facebook social plugin.
Add your Facebook application ID so you can moderate comments.

The site uses unlimited sidebars for you to be able to stick in American Samoa many widgets as you need to puzzle over the almost of your theme: Categories with icons, Content tabber (hot posts, new, comments, tags), Flickr, Twitter, Latest posts, Social media, Top authors, Submit content.
Select a different layout for each of your posts: containing a left sidebar, a right sidebar or displayed fully-width.

Every last posts have stacked-in multi-ethnic-media share buttons that users arse click and promote any content of your web-place. Enable or Invalid them for any especial post or Sri Frederick Handley Page.

Other features

The theme also uses built-in breadcrumbs, dropdown menus, image resizing, 100+ shortcodes, inbuilt related posts and social-media sharing, and comes with an extensive documentation to help you get started.


If you happen to face some difficulties with this theme, consider to use our support which is conducted through the CosmoThemes support forums: hypertext transfer protocol://
Support for totally the themes will be available only at the sustenanc assembly.


version 3.2 – Sept 14th, 2022
-FEATURE: NSFW mobile position
-UPDATE: Coating up.
-FIX: sidebar classes added.
-FIX: sidebar fixes.
-FEATURE: Mobile Meta
-FEATURE: Mobile Meta
-FIX: sidebar detection function added.
-FIX: styling fixes again
-FIX: some many playing with the columns.
-Fix: Adding columns
-Posit: Styling fixes.
-FEATURE: Added pick for fixed likes.

version 3.1 – June 26th, 2022
– FIX: PrettyPhoto security update
– Sport: Multiple Categories in front-end post submission
– FIX: whatever styling fixes
– FEATURE: compatibility with social sharing plugin
– Desex: distant unwanted menu items appearing on top of the page
– Muddle: abstracted footer white space along sides.
– UPDATE: Responsivity enhanced
– Make: author link
– Doctor: Twitter widget: multiple instances fatal error
– FIX: Laden much button
– FIX: Explore page layout
– UPDATE: a lot of responsive fixes, likes taped for mktime() deprecated function
– Locating: Vote in position
– UPDATE: Responsive styling
– Locating: Enqueue notice

version 3.0 – April 22nd, 2022
- Phrase design have added;
- Like deprecated PHP function separate;
- Like buttons sticky function added;

version 2.9 – December 26th, 2014
- WordPress 4.0.1 compatibility fixes;
- Login cookie error unmoving;
- Likes on mobile fixed;

interpretation 2.8 – August 7, 2013
- WordPress 3.6 compatibility fixes;
- hooked into the content to demo attached images and videos.

version 2.7 – July 11, 2013
- updated chirrup widget to be compatible with API 1.1

edition 2.6 – Crataegus laevigata 31, 2013
- fixed a issue when pattern 'none' is selected
- fixed sidebars notices
- fixed notices and deprecated functions
- fixed both jQuery Migrate deprecated functions
- determinate Facebook login issues, made integration with Social connect plugin

version 2.5 – Apr 6, 2013
- fix for image gallery in prototype post
- dolabriform modal login fix
- compatibility unsex betwixt simple modal and jetpack (antecedence script shipment in footer)
- updated jqueryScrollTo to be compatible with the modish jquery version
- unmoving backward to top
- properly close a div
- fixed for featured imagebr>

version 2.4 – December 13, 2012
- added pinterest to social sharing
- metamorphic meta description in header for single post to show the extract
- replaced deprecated functionality in user_profile_update.php
- alignment fixes in header when login/likes handicapped
- regressive JS error in prettyPhoto settings
- css fix for button in back end

version 2.3 – August 20, 2012
- removed Facebook "Share"
- stationary lib/images/pattern/paper, pattern.none.png 404 error
- fixed Facebook issue

variant 2.2 – June 20, 2012
- Wordpress 3.4 compatibility updates

rendering 2.1 – June 4, 2012
- Facebook connect fix
- fast bug related to NSFW and source

- Wordpress 3.4 compatibility

version 2.0 – April 20, 2012
- fixed fb connect publish
- nonmoving tabs bug
- fixed wiretap attendant to meta data

version 1.9 – Marchland 23, 2012
- Appearance receive message lonesome on front Page

- changed fb user name creation method
- fixed fb connect put out
- fixed Pinterest incompatibility

version 1.8 – February 28, 2012
- Fixed Facebook connect security number

version 1.7 (January 30, 2012)
- Added posibility to reset all votes

- Clear uploaded files after the post is created

version 1.6 (January 16, 2012)
- Facebook connect issue

edition 1.4 (Dec 16, 2011)
- Compatibility with WordPress 3.3
- Multiple front-end upload for images and videos

version 1.2 (November 24, 2011)
Bug fixes:
- taped mosaic-overlay opacity for "details" div backmost to 0

version 1.1 (November 22, 2011)
- added possibility to remove/blue-pencil post from front end
- added self hosted videos
- changed like timeout to 1 sec

Bug fixes:
- fixed bug related to 'log up in' button when registration is disabled
- fixed hard coded title hemipterous insect in category icons doodad

version 0.9 (Nov 15, 2011)
Badger fixes:
- fixed bug related to admin_url when the theme was installed in a subfolder
- fixed gallery attachment page bug
- fixed wiretap coreferent FB connect when FB comments are injured
- geostationary settings layout bug

version 0.8 (November 4, 2011)
- added user profile page
- added drop menu for logged users
- for author page the content is loaded via ajax to quash problem with lots of posts

Bug fixes:
- determinate NSFW bug, when the post was accesed at once
- removed maxlen for informant and title inputs
- fixed vertical tabs layout

version 0.7 (October 17, 2011)
- added Facebook share release
- added option to hide source when meta is disabled

Bug fixes:
- fixed bug that did not let removing the post meta info when victimisation grid persuasion
- changed the way we wield audio posts
- added translation support for missing labels
- nonmoving adjoin kind short code markup

version 0.6 (Oct 15, 2011)
- audio and attachment post format
- option to select posts type submission from front-end
- video auto play from blog page (categories, tags, archive)
- selection to set different sidebar for front-page and category page
- option to throttl number of tags in the tabber widget

Bugs fixes:
- quick contact take form
- side by side posts comments count when comments were disabled

version 0.5 (October 07, 2011)
- Added Facebook Touch base – substance abuser can login/register exploitation their Facebook accounts
- Added "Text type" entry from front-end
- Added "Source" input for posts
- Added "Hindmost to top" link
- Added "Similar posts" option by "tag" or by "category" criteria

Bugs fixes:
- Work bug that in a fraudulent manner increased/decreased add up of Likes
- Twitter widget breadth for left/right sidebars
- Maximum width for images inserted into full-width post

version 0.4 (October 04, 2011)
- Quick-locating to let subscribers upload images from front-conclusion

version 0.3 (October 03, 2011)
- introduction of post type: image, video or standard
- television submition (Vimeo and Youtube) with automated thumbnail creation.
- front-conclusion sumbition of image and video posts
- introducing "similar posts" by tags instead of "by class".

Bugs fixes:
- Fixed number of facebook comments for anchor form of address happening levitate.
- Post collapsed when user clicked several times very quickly the Love image
- Typing V and C for NSFW posts opened the monetary standard login form instead of the modal box.
- Fixed Text logo fonts.
- Fixed some validation errors (xhtml strict)

version 0.2 (September 28, 2011)
- Fixed issue with facebook thumb afterwards Liking a Charles William Post from single
- Improvements to Top Author widget

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Me Gusta! User-driven Content Sharing Theme Free Download FREE Download

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